GM, using extensive overtime labor, is operating at full capacity in North America. 通用目前在北美正处于全产能生产的状态,而且还大量使用加班工人。
Out-of-stock can be very expensive for a manufacturer in terms of labor wastage, loss off production capacity, and under-utilization at a plant. 组件的库存耗尽会造成劳动力浪费、降低产量和降低工厂的利用率,这些会给生产商带来很大的损失。
In the information age, companies will compete more on their workers'knowledge, skills, and innovation levels than on the basis of labor costs or manufacturing capacity. 在信息时代,企业更多地竞争其工人的知识,技术以及革新水平,而不是劳动力成本或是生产能力。
By using the utility model, the contradictions that stiff picture, large workload of installation, and extremely low labor capacity exist in a wood-splicing facing for a long time can be relieved. 它缓解拼木饰面长期存在的画面呆板、安装工作量大、劳动生产率极低的矛盾。
However, when labor productivity rises, the materialized production commodity materialized labor and living labor are to increase, so labor capacity of production commodity is able to increase. 然而,当劳动生产率提高时,生产商品的物化劳动和活劳动都会增加,从而生产商品的劳动量增加。
But its reputation as an unstoppable giant as a country with an unending supply of cheap labor and limitless capacity for growth masks some serious and worsening economic problems. 这个国家有着无穷廉价劳动力和无限增长空间,有“不停歇巨人”的美誉。但是,美誉的面具后掩盖的是一些严重的并且正在恶化的经济问题。
Being not independent personal right, labor capacity essentially belongs to the personal benefits of health right. 劳动能力本质上属于健康权人格利益,不是独立的人格权。
An Investigation of Mechanism of Labor Capacity Reduction at High Altitudes and Experimental Study on Training to Enhance Human Labor Capacity 高原劳动能力降低的机理探讨和训练提高劳动能力的人体实验研究
Scenario Simulating on Labor Carrying Capacity of Arable Land in the Northwestern Shandong 鲁西北地区耕地劳动力承载力的多情景模拟
278 cases of cerebrovascular diseases in natural population of Changsha city were investigated. The patients 'living quality was obviously decreased, esPecially in labor ability, daily living capacity and health. 对长沙市自然人群中278例脑血管病进行调查表明,患者生命质量明显下降,尤以劳动工作能力、日常生活能力、健康状况为主。
Classification of higher education institutions is influenced by theories of labor market segregation and institutional capacity. 高等学校分类发展是社会和教育自身双重选择的结果,其理论依据包括劳动力市场分割理论和学校能级理论。
The lose of labor capacity is the result of human being originally with labor capacity being disabled by other's infringements. 劳动能力的丧失是原来具有劳动能力的自然人受到他人的侵害后而致使身体残疾的结果。
In his view, all-round development of human being contained the development of labor capacity, social connection and individuality. 他认为,人的全面发展包括人的劳动能力、社会关系和个性的全面发展;
The processing and application of the powdered rubber abroad were reviewed with 18 references, and its properties, energy consumption, processing cost and labor capacity were also evaluated. 简述了国外粉末橡胶的加工技术及其应用,并从性能、能耗、加工费用、所需劳动力等方面进行了经济评估。
This paper, based on the analysis of relative labor productivity, international competition capability and labor force absorption capacity and so many others fields, identifies several industries that have both large economic growth and labor absorption potential. 从各产业的比较劳动生产率、国际竞争力和就业吸纳能力等方面入手进行分析,筛选出了若干发展潜力大、就业吸纳能力强的行业;
When confirming the theoretical bases of the compensation system for disability, a more scientific theory should be adopted, hence the doctrine of the lose of income based on the labor capacity should be accepted. 在确定我国丧失劳动能力损害赔偿制度的理论论据时,应当采用一种更为科学的理论,即以劳动能力为基础的收入丧失说。
Fastening the pace of urbanization development, building up capability of absorbing labor force, increasing capacity of farmers obtaining employment as townspeople. 加快城市化发展步伐,增强吸纳劳动力就业能力,提高农民市民化就业的容量。
As to appraisal of labor capacity, after providing the concept of appraisal labor capacity, this text discussed the principles that appraising labor capacity must follow and the standards of appraising labor capacity. 对于劳动能力鉴定,在给出了劳动能力鉴定概念后,提出了劳动能力鉴定工作应遵循的原则以及劳动能力鉴定的标准。
The results show high labor absorption capacity of TVEs, on average at 1.6, and small variations in the elasticity across spaces and time. 结果发现,乡镇企业的劳动力吸纳弹性高达1.6,而且在不同的空间和时间内弹性变化幅度较小。以此为基础,作者提出了相关的政策性建议。
In current law of succession of our country, freedom of testament is limited and primarily embodies in article 19 which provides that testaments should leave necessary share of heritage to the heirs who lack source of livelihood and labor capacity. 我国《继承法》对遗嘱自由也有所限制,主要体现在《继承法》第19条。该条规定:遗嘱应当对缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的继承人保留必要的遗产份额。
Estimation of the labor carrying capacity of land resources in the northwestern Shandong 鲁西北地区现状农业土地资源劳动力承载力模拟
Using Computer Aided Design, the periods of mould design and making can be shortened, the times of mould shakedown test can be reduced, the labor capacity can be improved, and the cost of mould can be reduced consumedly. 采用计算机辅助设计技术可以节约设计时间、缩短制模时间、减少试模次数,提高了劳动生产率,大幅度降低模具成本。
It reflects Yunnan agricultural labor productivity is low. It also reflects the serious shortage of labor absorption capacity of non-agricultural industries in Yunnan. 这一方面反映了云南农业劳动生产率低下的状况,另一方面也反映了云南非农产业对劳动力的吸收能力严重不足。
Among the factors about industrial development, in addition to industrial labor, capital and technology capacity, I add the industrial technology management capacity for analysis. 在产业发展相关因素中除产业劳动力、产业资本和产业技术能力之外,引入产业技术管理能力进行分析。
Among many developing countries, China become the foreign investment hotspot with rich natural resources, cheap labor and huge market capacity. 在众多发展中国家之中,中国凭借丰富的自然资源、廉价的劳动力以及巨大的市场容量成为了外商直接投资(FDI)的热点区域。
Human capital mainly refers to the knowledge, the technical ability, the labor capacity, etc that exist in the body of people. Human capital is regarded as an efficient economy and an important factor to promote economic growth. 人力资本主要指凝集在劳动者本身的知识、技能及其所表现出来的劳动能力等,它被认为是现代经济增长的主要因素,是一种有效率的经济。
Once the traffic accident happens, troublemakers may undertake vast economic compensation which will possibly make them fall into poverty and aggrieved parties may also lose labor capacity and source of income because of the traffic accident and become a new social problem. 一旦出现交通事故,肇事者可能因承担巨额的经济赔偿,而陷入贫困境地,而受害人也往往因为交通事故而丧失劳动能力和生活来源,成为新的社会问题。
Modern animal husbandry is a large industry that has strong industrial pulling ability, absorb labor capacity, and a high-level of value-added transformation. 现代畜牧业是产业拉动能力强,吸纳劳动力容量大,转化增值层次高的大产业。
Currently, the agricultural industry is still faced with the problems of low labor capacity and processing rate of production conversion, poor quality of primary products, low overall efficiency of agriculture, and a series of contradictions between the industrialization of agriculture production and household contract management. 当前,我国农业仍面临着劳动生产率、产品转化加工率过低;农产品质量和农业综合效率不高;农业产业化生产与家庭承包经营等一系列的矛盾。
The process of realization of labor rights needs generation and maintenance of labor, creation of labor value, improvement of labor capacity and rise of value, etc. During this process, tax affordability and taxation limit directly link with the realization degree of labor rights. 劳动权的实现需要经历劳动力生成与维持、劳动价值的创造、劳动能力提高与价值上升等过程,这个过程中,税收负担能力与征税界限直接关系劳动权的实现程度。